Overview & Bylaws

Organizational Structure

Organizational StructureThe WCOED is structured as a private / public partnership with support from the Board of Wyandot County Commissioners, City of Upper Sandusky, Village of Carey, Village of Sycamore, Wyandot Memorial hospital, and numerous private sector businesses. The WCOED partners with the Wyandot County Board of Commissioners to fund a full-time Economic Development Director in Wyandot County. As such, the WCOED Executive Director also serves in a leadership capacity for the Wyandot County Regional Planning Commission. The combined offices are located on the first floor of the Wyandot County Courthouse.

Fee Structure

The Wyandot County Office of Economic Development, Inc. operates as a 501(c)(6) non-profit business league with the mission of improving economic viability in the Wyandot County area. Dues and other payments to the organization are tax deductible to businesses as an “ordinary and necessary business expense”.  A WCOED Board Membership with voting rights is $1,000.00 annually and general membership fees would include any donation under $1,000.00.

Membership Levels and Dues:

Platinum Level:  $2,500+ per year

Gold Level: $1,000+ per year

Silver Level:  $500+ per year (non-voting)


The organization has been established to assist in the success of existing businesses, to recruit new businesses in selected industrial sectors, and to promote the industrial, commercial and economic viability of Wyandot County, Ohio and the various townships and municipalities located therein.  The complete bylaws of the Wyandot County Office of Economic Development can be viewed here.

All members of the Wyandot County Office of Economic Development have a commitment to the organization’s integrity and client confidentiality.  As such, the WCOED membership adopted a Code of Ethics that guides these principals.

Membership Form

 To become a WCOED member, the membership form can be downloaded here.