Living in Wyandot County

Where is Wyandot?

 Where is Wyandot Piccareyfield

Wyandot County is a rural county interspersed with small communities that range in size from 400 to 6500 residents. The excellent highway system that serves the county allows its residents to live in the quiet, stress-free environment of a small town but still have easy access to the amenities of major metropolitan centers. Of the 22,000 residents in Wyandot County, 44% live in a city or town and 56% live in a rural setting. The overall population density is 55 residents per square mile.

Wyandot County Resources

Wyandot Helps-Resource Website Provided by Wyandot County Health Alliance

County of Wyandot Website

Wyandot County Resource Guide-Provided by Wyandot County Health Alliance

Wyandot Chamber of Commerce

Carey Area Chamber of Commerce

Wyandot County Visitor’s Bureau

Wyandot County Community Foundation