Sites & Buildings | Business Retention & Expansion | Major Employers | Taxes & Incentives | Utilities & Infrastructure

As your company plans its relocation to Wyandot County or expands its existing Wyandot County location, the WCOED is here to help. We can help to identify and process incentive applications, assist with zoning and planning issues, and connect you with multiple resources to expedite your project.
A site and building search tool is built into the right hand side of almost every page on our website.
Looking to build?
If you are planning to build new, renovate, or expand an existing facility, it is important to understand the construction process and the options you have when considering working with a contractor and/or architect. Many WCOED members are extremely experienced to help with these decisions including: CSI (Construction Services Inc), Clouse Construction Corp, Tuttle Construction, Vaughn Industries and ACI Alvada Construction Company.

The pages found under the “Relocation & Expansion” tab provide a wealth of information for businesses interested in the Wyandot County area. Use our ‘Site Selection Database’ tool to find currently available large scale industrial and commercial sites and buildings.