The Wyandot County Office of Economic Development carries out a number of programs that contribute to its overall impact in the local community. While not all of the organization’s efforts may be categorized into a specific program, the WCOED tracks certain metrics annually and conducts studies in partnership with surrounding counties as necessary. Some of these reports can be found below:
2024 Annual Report
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
After the WCOED prepared the first Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for Wyandot County in 2013, a regional CEDS was completed in 2022 including Wyandot, Crawford, Richland, and Ashland Counties. The U.S. 30 Corridor CEDS integrates the region’s human and physical capital to plan for economic development. The CEDS provides a road map for needed future projects to bring about economic development within the county and region.
U.S. 30 Corridor – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
Downtown Market Analyses
The Wyandot County Office of Economic Development working in conjunction with other local partners has created retail analysis of the largest municipal downtown areas in Wyandot County:
2021 City of Upper Sandusky Downtown Market Analysis
2021 Village of Carey Downtown Market Analysis
Business Retention & Expansion Program

The Wyandot County Office of Economic Development offers a comprehensive Business Retention & Expansion Program that is designed to connect local businesses with resources that help to plan and implement growth projects. Through multiple local, state, and federal level partners, the WCOED can direct local organizations toward multiple programs and specific expertise. The Business Retention and Expansion Program also provides local development officials and policy makers with the data they need to develop, prioritize, and implement actionable items that make Wyandot County a better place to operate a business.
Local Business owners and operators can participate in the BR&E program by taking the 2024 BR&E Questionnaire here.
Small Business & Entrepreneur Program
The WCOED offers assistance to existing small businesses and new entrepreneurs in their venture to profitably operate and grow their business. Whether you are interested in learning about small business loan programs, finding a location for your business, or establishing an online presence, our office has the means to assist you. The WCOED partners with a number of organizations offering expertise in these areas. Our office may be able to provide in-house education, or connect you directly with local experts or those in our region that can help to streamline your project.
View our Small Business & Entrepreneur Program brochure for more information, or contact us using the form on this webpage.
Workforce Development
YouScience is a aptitude-based college and career guidance system being used by our local school districts. Students take a series of brain game-like exercises to discover their aptitudes and interests and the careers best suited for both. It then directs students to nearby employers that offer those applicable career opportunities.
Local businesses can create a profile, then enter information about their career opportunities. Instruction sheet on how to register.
Wyandot Occupational Resource Committee (WORC)
The Wyandot Occupational Resource Committee (WORC) is a concerted effort the Wyandot County community bringing together all ‘Five Communities of Interest’, or those stakeholders that play a crucial role in workforce development, specifically to tackle the local issues surrounding workforce. These communities of interest include Business, Government, Community organizations, Education, and Local Talent; all of which must be engaged and motivated to make headway in alleviating this top challenge faced by employers across the country.
Many of the major employers and industry representatives have joined in the mission to “Passionately connect talent with employment opportunities.” This group of stakeholders meets regularly on the third Wednesday of each month.
In October 2024, the WORC team facilitated the third annual Wyandot Career Showcase event. The Showcase had close to 550 sixth and ninth grade Wyandot County students visit with roughly 8 of the 20 participating employers for 10 minute hands-on activities showcasing their company, operations, and opportunities.
2024 Student Plans & Perceptions Survey Report
2023 Student Plans & Perceptions Survey Report
Manufacturing Day
With the increasing need for a skilled and educated workforce among local manufacturers, and the lack of a substantial talent pool, the WCOED has offered a yearly “Manufacturing Day” since 2013 to sophomore students from Carey, Mohawk and Upper Sandusky high schools. Students have the opportunity to visit participating manufacturing facilities throughout the county. This program makes these 10th grade students aware of the abundance of opportunities available in the manufacturing industry right here in Wyandot County. Program data shows that year after year, prior to the tours, a vast majority of students have never visited a manufacturing environment.
Other Workforce Development Resources

The WCOED works closely with Ohio Means Jobs of Wyandot County (formerly JobSolutions) to provide information and tools that link local employers to Ohio’s workforce system. Ohio Means Jobs staff, housed at the county Department of Jobs and Family Services, administer federal and state programs that offer employment services such as hiring and training support and labor market information to employers and workers. Contact the WCOED for assistance with your recruiting or training efforts. also provides an online database, powered by, that allows Ohio employers to resume mine and post available positions completely free. The tool also allows Ohio job seekers to post their resumes for free. The tool can be accessed here.
OMJ of Wyandot County also manages a large pool of funding to help the emerging workforce prepare for and find meaningful employment. Comprehensive Case Management Employment Program (CCMEP), can provide local employers benefits such as:
- On the job training reimbursement for employee wages and benefits
- Payment of occupational skills training for job related certifications
- Drug and alcohol counseling
- Supportive services including assistance in purchasing specialized clothing, foot wear, tools, daycare, and gas vouchers
- Adult mentoring
Our organization also partners with area vocational schools, technical schools, and universities to provide both on-site, classroom, and online training needed for new and incumbent associates of local employers.
The Wyandot County Manufacturing Day program was developed by the Wyandot County Office of Economic Development to introduce high school students to the realities of the modern-day manufacturing environment. Each year sophomores from local high schools are offered the chance to tour two local manufacturing facilities, and to learn from personnel in various departments about what their job entails as well as the skills and education required to perform their functions.
Simple pre- and post-tests are used to gauge the program’s effectiveness and change of awareness in students. Results from the program have shown that the majority of students participating have never even been exposed to a manufacturing operation before going through the program.
Expansion & Relocation Assistance
The WCOED actively pursues new business for Wyandot County in addition to working with local existing businesses by assisting with expansion projects. The WCOED maintains close relationships with regional, state, and private agencies who can also provide assistance to local businesses. This can include assistance such as tax incentives, grants, and loans, or even assistance with needed infrastructure and utilities. The WCOED also strives to meet the demands of company requests for information compiling services for items such as local demographics, workforce, and labor sheds.
Property Database Administration

The WCOED is the local agency responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of a comprehensive site and building database for Wyandot County. This database system, called Ohio Zoom Prospector, is used by the State of Ohio when prospective businesses are performing a site search within the state. The system provides a streamlined method of offering business prospects available sites and/or facilities that meet their search criteria. Click here to access the Zoom Prospector system, which contains all local industrial properties and those over 5 acres in size.
In addition, the WCOED uses a secondary property database system containing all local commercial and retail properties, called the Location One Information System (LOIS). Click here to access the database of commercial and retail properties.
Community Advocacy, Service, and Leadership
The WCOED Executive Director provides community service and leadership in a number of local, regional, and statewide organizations that all generate positive impact on the local economic climate. Those service capacities include:
Zoning Inspector – City of Upper Sandusky
Revolving Loan Fund – Erie Basin Resource Conservation & Development
Member – Northwest Career Ready (business advisory council)
Member / Mentor – Ohio Economic Development Association
Legislative Committee Member – Ohio Northern Region Economic Development
Board of Directors / PR Chair – Rotary Club of Upper Sandusky
Board of Directors – Wyandot County Airport Authority
Member – Wyandot County Health Alliance
Board of Directors / Secretary – Wyandot County Young Professionals
Board Member – Wyandot Imagination Library
Board of Directors / Secretary – Wyandot Improvement Network
Wyandot County Young Professionals
The WCYP is a community organization for individuals aged 18-45 who live or work in Wyandot County, or graduated from a Wyandot County school district. The group was created as a subsidiary of the WCOED and has now grown to become a separate entity that is determined to attract and retain young talent in the Wyandot County area. Visit the WCYP page for more information.
Wyandot Improvement Network (WIN)
The WIN is another 501c3 organization created and facilitated by the WCOED in conjunction with the Wyandot Chamber of Commerce and other public and private community leaders throughout Wyandot County. The WIN pulls collective resources to carry out community development projects such as countywide branding, downtown wayfinding signs, and the interactive Wyandot Community Calendar.